About Me

Michael Romeu Photo

Know Me

Hello I am Mike and "The Modulus Divide" is my business.  My vision of this business is to be a dual entrepreneur both as a software/Wordpress developer as well as Tutoring in the arts of Math.

The meaning behind my business "The Modulus Divide" is a computer programming method involving the division of two integers and the resulting remainder is the return e.g. 2 divided by 3 would return 2 because the closest integer multiplied by 3 to get closest to 20 is 6.  After multiplying 6 * 3 it gives the answer 18.  Now you can subtract 18 from 20 (20-18) and that integer will be your return value of the modulus divide and in this case the question and answer would be:  What is the modulus divide of 2/3?  The answer is 2.

The motto I have for "The Modulus Divide" is "That Which Remains" ties in with the above explanation.

My Mission

It is with my efforts that innovative, creative and intelligent software packages will be created to match or exceed customer's expectations.

It is also through my efforts that budding and inquiring young minds will blossom with understanding of former mathematical obstacles.

My Vision

I see a future where problems and expectations are set forth to myself  and I shall rise to the occasion with well thought out and tested solutions.

On the other hand I also see a future of young, brilliant minds opening up as smiles appear on their owner's faces as my tutoring processes further enlighten them.